
Collection of all projects including industry ready projects with modern tools and framework



1 1
Language -> resource
Topics -> random



1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> random


It is a python script which automate the working of instagram account. It provides varoius feature such as auto removing following, removing following that are not follower and downloading the media files, images and videos.

1 3
Language -> Python
Topics -> instagram, python, selenium, automation


It is a calculator based on react JS with some custom styling.

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> javascript, project, react, webdevelopment


It contains questions from various online and offline platforms such as Hackerrank, Coding Ninjas, Codeforces, Leetcode, Codeforces etc

5 3
Language -> Python
Topics -> python, c, cpp, java, programming


This web app will fetch the current price of cryptocurrencies of the popular ones. It is built with the help of Html, Css and Jquery.

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> css, html, jquery, webdevelopment, blockchain


It is a website which show dynamic pricing with the help of Coinbase API.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> python, crpto, coinbase-api, crypto-currency, webdevelopment


Simple Chart JS graph built with the help of Html,CSS and JavaScript.

1 1
Language -> JavaScript
Topics -> js, chartjs, jquery, html, css, webdevelopment


This app will show real time chart. It will include web sockets with the help of django channels.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> python, django, websocket, webdevelopment


An instant video calling app with messaging feature using Websockets.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> python, django, webdevelopment


A Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API testing, and if you're stuck - Search and browse StackOverflow without leaving the CLI

1 1
Language -> resource
Topics -> random


This repo contains the basic EMCA styling. It has implemented the use of arrow function and fat arrow.

1 1
Language -> JavaScript
Topics -> emcascript, javascript, resources


A bot that will extract the data from the the twitter and display the whole information like followers, following, likes and retweets. It displays all the tweets from your timeline.

1 1
Language -> CSS
Topics -> flask, python, tweepy, scraping, webdevelopment, bot


This proejct will contains simple codes to make beginers to get started easily.

1 1
Language -> Go
Topics -> go, golang, programming


A google API based client based on two API: GEO CODING AND PLACES API which can used installed in your google platform project.

1 3
Language -> Python
Topics -> googleapiclient, geocoding, placesapi, programming, scripting


A Rest API built on the top of the Gorm and Fiber using Golang. It uses the json library for parsing the data from file and with the help of gorm it intialize the database.

1 1
Language -> Go
Topics -> go, gorm, fiber, webdevelopment, api


Everyone is free to contribute.

1 1
Language -> resource
Topics -> random


This project will provide all the resources whether oxygen, plasma, medicine , ambulance and so on

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> repl, python, flask, webdevelopment


A webapp that will provide all covid resources such as oxygen cylinders, medicine, food, and others. It uses the elastic search in the backend to optimize the results.

1 1
Language -> JavaScript
Topics -> elasticsearch, kibana, reactjs, webdevelopment


Hospital website made with html and css.

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> html, css, javascript, webdevelopment



1 1
Language -> resource
Topics -> random

React Movie Cards

It will contains the react component card for movie and star rating.

1 1
Language -> JavaScript
Topics -> random


This bot can extract the internship posts from the internshala and store in the repl database and gives response when asked.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> discord-bot, python, requests-html, bot


A parking solution built on Django with the google APIs such as JavaScript map API ,distance and places API.

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> googleapi, django, python, html, css, javascript, jquery, webdevelopment


A project that is build on the top of the django and graphene(GraphQL - A query language for API) library. Used the django-extension to run script which loads data from json.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> graphql, django, ajax, webdevelopment, api


It is a react project which list all the 898 Pokemon's with their capabilities. I had loaded data using the custom services which extract data from json.

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> reactjs, html, css, webdevelopment


This project tries the implement the basic web assembly toolbar to build portfolio page with python.

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> brython, html, css, web-assembly, python, webdevelopment


A Gatsby portfolio which contains all the github projects with title, description, stars, forks, last-updated and much more.

1 2
Language -> JavaScript
Topics -> gatsby, js, webdevelopment


This scraper scrapes all the test and packages alvailable on Practo website

1 1
Language -> Jupyter Notebook
Topics -> pandas, selenium


A NextJS project that will show a collection of 60 quotes in initial release. It is bootstrapped with create-next-app.

1 1
Language -> JavaScript
Topics -> nextjs, api, webdevelopment


A scraper which scrapes the quotes from a website using the Scrapy framework

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> scrapy-framework, python, scraping


This repo contains the basic usage of react, components and props.

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> react, resources


It is a react redux project which manages the state of the life cycle.

1 1
Language -> JavaScript
Topics -> js, reactjs, react-redux, webdevelopment


It contains multiple scrapers for rental properties

1 1
Language -> resource
Topics -> random


Hi, This is my open-sourced roadmap/resource guide for Python. Please Feel free to contribute!

1 1
Language -> resource
Topics -> python, resources


Resources to Learn and Get Started with Git and GitHub

1 1
Language -> resource
Topics -> resources


This will get the latest meme and quotes. It uses the requests library to update and fetch data.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> python, telegram-bot, bots

Stock Rest API

A rest API for realtime stock management built on the top of the Django Rest Framework with token authentication

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> djangorestframework, python, webdevelopment, API


This Rpa challenge is solved with the help of robot framework

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> robotframework, python, rpa-challenge, automation


It is a python based script which is running on python based framework Flask and Fast Api. We are using the Ngrok to deploy our localhost to web.

1 2
Language -> Python
Topics -> fastapi, flask, script, requestshtml, pandas, scraping, cli


Music website based on the top on Django framework. It is a dynamic website with responsive behaviour. It has a login feature and CRUD (create,read,update and the delete) features.

3 3
Language -> HTML
Topics -> html, css, js, jquery, django, python, webdevelopment


This webapp will manage your daily tasks. We will implement simple CRUD operation.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> django, html, css, python, webdevelopment


It is a class based client Api. It makes multiple get request with the spotify to search songs, album, artist and the tracks..

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> python, spotify-api, api, programming, scripting


It will extract the question, question link and title from stackoverflow. This scraper is inspired from Kadekillary Scarper with updated libraries and some more features added.

1 1
Language -> Rust
Topics -> rust, reqwest, selectrs, scraping


This project aims to scraps questions depending on the fields, no of pages and question size. It makes a file with required tag. You can edit the filename easily.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> requests, requests-html, pandas, scraping, scripting


This test automation is based on Robot Framework with the selenium library.

1 2
Language -> HTML
Topics -> robot-framework, test-automation, python, automation


A Rest api that will manages all the tickets for the shows, movies and concerts. This API is built on the top of the django rest framework.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> python, django, django-rest-framework, webdevelopment, api


This is basic todo app built on react native with the help of expo client. It uses the concept of components and useState in react.

1 1
Language -> JavaScript
Topics -> react-native, appdevelopment, expo-client, todoapp


This project uses the WebRTC with the minimal javascipt created using Vite JS. We had used the google public stun server ,firstore as a signaling server and firebase as a hosting service.

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> webr, javascript, html, css, webdevelopment


A web app that shows the weather depending on the city, state, or zipcode entered. It is a PWA which completes all the chrome lighthouse checks.

1 1
Language -> HTML
Topics -> pwa, html, css, javascript, jquery, webdevelopment


This will contain all the question sorted in three category easy, medium and hard.

1 1
Language -> resource
Topics -> random



1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> random



1 1
Language -> resource
Topics -> random


This testing is done with robot framework with custom testcases. Reports and Log has been generated automatically on each Test Case run. Be sure to install Selenium Webdriver and required libraries mentioned in the requirements.txt file.

1 1
Language -> RobotFramework
Topics -> robot-fr, acceptance-testing


This is the official source code for the Saraswati Enterprises WebApp made on the top of the Django Framework with some python libraries like openpyxl, django-extension, django debugger and others too.

1 1
Language -> Python
Topics -> python3, django, django-rest-framework, postgresql, sqlite3, html, css, javascript, jquery